
Ensure the high quality of the product

Testing is an essential part of product development

At different stages of the product development, when turning an idea into a prototype and finished product, in-depth testing is required to ensure that the product is compliant with the requirements.

The devices must meet the standards of EU standards, e.g. tolerance of electrical disturbances and emissions. These tests are performed in appropriate laboratories so that the manufacturer can CE mark the product. The use and sale of the products without CE marking are prohibited in the European Union area.


testaus tieto-oskari

Production testing

After production, all products must be tested according to the established guidelines. A testing instruction for the new products is typically written out during R&D and pilot production phases.

Production testing can also include so called product aging. If necessary, this can be performed through continuous testing in a climatic chamber, ensuring that the product will also work under extreme environmental conditions. Product aging tests help identify and eliminate the latent faults in the product. These latent faults may later be revealed by the customer, causing additional costs, inconvenience, and damage to the product´s reputation.



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Environmental testing

With the climatic chamber we can artificially create to a product a desired environmental conditions.

The temperature range is -70 … +180 °C and humidity 10 … 90 % RH. The fluctuations in temperature and humidity are adjustable. Extreme conditions are created for the devices and at the same time the device they can be in functional testing.

Environmental testing in connection with production makes the operation of the products almost 100 % safe in their later operating environments.

Even if the environmental testing increases the manufacturing costs, it is worth it. Without testing, the products located in critical environments may not function properly causing a lot of troubles.


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