Smart CAN bus devices
Our MultiCAN product family of Tieto-Oskari Oy has been designed for working machine use where the CAN bus is used to transfer control data and read sensor data. Units are equipped with LCD screen to make diagnostics and configuration easy.
MultiCAN 6
- 6 pcs DC valve controls (3A/30Vdc)
- 1 pc oil burner control
- 2 pcs oil burner status information (230VAC)
- 1 pc analog output (0-10V)
- 1 pc analog output (for Danfoss PVG32 valve)
- 3 pcs analog inputs (0-20 mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V)
- 6 pcs digital inputs (NPN / PNP)
- 3 pcs PT100 sensor inputs
- 24 pcs DC valve controls (3A/30Vdc)
- 6 pcs analog outputs (for Danfoss PVG32 valve)
- 6 psc analog inputs (0-20 mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V)
- 6 pcs digital inputs (NPN / PNP)
- 2 pcs PT100 sensor input
- 24 DC valve controls (3A/30Vdc)
- 2 pcs analog outputs (for Danfoss PVG32 valve)
- 6 pcs analog inputs (0-20 mA, 4-20mA, 0-10V)
- 6 pcs digital inputs (NPN / PNP)
- 2 pcs PT100 sensor inputs
- 2 pcs DC motor output with change of direction (2A)